

Our members are from across the state of New Hampshire and represent a wide variety of organizations, police departments and citizens who are committed to helping youth improve their lives. By joining the NH Juvenile Court Diversion Network, you are able to:

Become a Member

*Any member below, with 1+ years of experience within the Network, may be nominated for a Board of Directors position.

After you complete payment, you’ll be brought to an online form to submit your application/information. 

Step 1: Pay For Membership

Step 1: Pay For Membership

Membership fees are $50 per year (July 1 – June 30) if paid by September 30. After September 30, dues are $75.

Associate Member: Community resource, collaborative partner, or volunteer who is not on track to provide accreditation-level
diversion services. Annual Membership Fee: $25 Individual or $50 Organization



Provisional Member: Juvenile Court Diversion program that has filed the Intent to Become Accredited Form and working toward
accreditation within 12-month time frame – may take 6-9 months with site visits, pilot, data, etc. Annual Membership Fee: $50

Accredited Member: Has completed all requirements of accreditation as a Court-Approved Diversion Program. Members at this
level will be required to attend 2/3 of Network meetings in a 12-month period or may seek exception from board chair. Annual
Membership Fee: $50 Organization.

Premier Member: Has operated an accredited juvenile diversion program for 2+ years and contributes recidivism data to help
promote statewide effectiveness. Members at this level will be required to attend 2/3 of Network meetings in a 12-month period
or may seek exception from board chair. Annual Membership Fee: $50 Organization.


The NH Juvenile Court Diversion Network was formed in the 1980′s by a group of professionals seeking to create more effective ways to assist low-risk juvenile offenders who didn’t belong in court. Governed by a dedicated group of volunteers, Network members share ideas and knowledge, help programs meet accreditation standards, and work with communities to develop new diversion resources.


Lyndsay Porreca 
Valley Court Diversion

Vice Chairperson
Steve Pappajohn
Dover Police Department Juvenile Diversion

Dorothy Thrush
Community Volunteer

Casey Caster
The Youth Council

Alyssa Bender, Keene

Kaitlyn Flewelling, Community Volunteer

Program Representatives
Lidia Martinez, Merrimack County

Nicole Mitchell, Grafton County

Nicole Rodler, Rochester

For more information about the Network, please review the Membership and Resources pages or contact us directly.