Public Health Intern Joining Network Team

We are pleased to announce the addition of Kristen Beaumier, from Rivier University’s Bachelor of Science in Public Health program. With twenty hours per week to contribute to the Network this semester, Kristen will be involved in a wide array of Network activities. These involve helping to coordinate and conduct site visits of Network programs, furthering the visibility of juvenile court diversion in the state, assisting with the data collection effort underway with Community Health Institute and any new initiatives that emerge this year. Currently, we are working closely with programs in Carroll and Sullivan Counties to increase sustainability.

A Derry, NH resident, Kristen graduated from Pinkerton Academy before starting her studies at Plymouth State University. Once Kristen settled on a Public Health degree, she began attending Rivier University and is expected to graduate in 2016. As part of her studies, Kristen assisted Nashua Public Health Department with research and development of an issue brief on the heroin epidemic in New Hampshire and the US. She has also worked at Market Basket for the last eight years. Welcome Kristen!